Getting Religion- We visited several Buddhist temples in Bangkok. These places of worship are so vibrant yet posess a serenity that even hordes of tourists can't quite shake. Their traditions and rituals seem to have a richness to them that most Western religions lack. Not to mention, they built a 7 story tall Buddha. Honestly, it left me feelling a little bit envious.
Bathrooms- My perception of what constitutes a "nice bathroom" has drastically changed since leaving the US. I once fancied myself an amateur bathroom critic. Decor, ambiance and environment enhancers such as candles, potpuri, etc. used to factor into my ratings. Sometimes I would actually go to the bathrooms of nice restaurants, hotels, theaters and department stores just to evaluate their aesthetics. Now, if a bathroom has toilet paper and hand soap it earns a full 5 stars from me. Two thumbs up. From there it is all down hill. In Thailand most of the toilets didn't flush, they were accompanied by a bucket of water with some sort of bowl or ladel next to them. When you finished your business, you dumped water into the toilet. Archaic but effective. At one rest stop somewhere in Cambodia I came upon a toilet completely covered in flies. Lovely. In yet another Bankok bathroom I discovered a used condom on the floor. I miss the Downtown Macy's 3rd floor ladies lounge. But these experiences have been character building... and my travel sized bottle of Purelle is one of my new best friends.
Is this Cancun or Thailand?- Thailand has exploded in the last few years as one of the world's top tourist destinations.Resorts, restaurants, souvenire stalls and bars slinging kitchy drinks have sprouted like dandylions. As a result, parts of Bangkok and many of the islands have that "MTV Spring Break" feel. We couldn't count the number of people wandering around with fake dreadlocks, tiedye t-shirts and harem pants. Who do they think they're fooling? By trying to look free-spirited and hippie-esque they wind up looking more common and ridiculous than droves of Valley Girls in Ugg boots and mini-skirts.This is not to say that Thailand isn't enjoyable. It is. The food is fantastic and many of the people are incredibly nice. The authentic culture is there beneath the glossy surface. I just hope that the Thai people get fed up and revive it sooner or later.
Thank you for alerting me of your blog! I have just loved reading about your adventures. :) I am so glad you are doing so well and having such an amazing time. Thank you for sharing all of this with us!